
Saturday, March 01, 2008

Me n My Valentine !!!!

L*****i..Lets start of with the name.itself.No pretense. There is no need to hide anything you see.Pleasant to look at Sexy for sure Smart intelligent maybe.

[Intial version of the blog has been edited.The name of the lady in leading role has been edited out to repecting her privacy.Being too lazy no other major changes made to the blog]

Been a fan ever since saw her groove to “Kambakt Ishq” at a intercollegiate dance fest.

It was the second year of engineering. First batch meant 180 students .Enough time to know everyone if one really wanted too.By this time the lady in question was quite popular : I certainly knew her and the few times we met rather serendipitously she acknowledged my presence with a warm smile(not inviting, none the less not disapproving either).

This is the backdrop when Feb14 2002 came about.As were the 20 or so Feb 14 before that,it really didn’t mean much too me.I dunno why but I woke pretty early that day and ended up in college in time. There was something in the air that day.Some thing felt different. The nearby “chaya kada chettan” was in a happy mood giving us extra Appams for free.

A free ride on a friends bike meant I had reached Campus  a surprising 0.5 hors early.

Happy faces all around..Life definitely seemed beautiful with all those smiles .

Little this I realize that all the smiles were in fact in anticipation of something …

This is the day when hopeless romantics chase one try to vow the one they believe they love with all with a wide set of hopeless gimmicks ,ranging from flowers to dialogues .

I hurried to the class to join my gang in the back bench hoping not to miss any bit of the action.


As I enter I hear a voice.”Hi Vineeth…”.

My mind takes time to process.It double checks .then cross verfies.

No it cant be .But it is.....

I turn around and sure enough I find her standing there with a shining gift in her hand.Brain was quick enough to bring me down.

Oh so u are a messenger now.!!!...and who is the lucky guy anyway??

I look dazed.was confused.There are head popping out from the windows,under the table on the rooftop. All activities had stopped. There was pin drop silence. Or so I thought.

 Sensing my confusion,she handed me the gift and said “This is for you.I don’t know what else to say.Open this and u'll understand”.

 The Heart finally broke free the shackles imposed by the brain.It threw the logic out of the window.As my brain went in search for the lost logic.Hope occupied its place.

 Am I the one??Was I too sexy for my own good all these time.

Brain was back and working feverishly to figure out what was happening.It gave a try…

"Its too good to be true…"

Totally ignored .Expected.But The heart was in control now.
Egged on by my class mates I slowly start opening the glittering pink(how i hate this color) gift wrapper.

There was a box inside.Big enough to hold her heart,her mobile,a watch …..brain gave up fighting the heart.

slowly I opened the box inside and had a peek inside… did all the ladies and laydas surrounding me…..they looked stunned….more stunned was me…the color was black…there were shades of brown…is it what it is ??…no....Nooooooooooo

It cant be…………….

Laughter had already started…..No use hiding now. I opened the box completely to show off to the world, my old ragged pair of shoes which I had long forgotten in one of my friends house.

“I told u so” My brains exclaimed as it flung the hope and all other feel good crap somewhere deep inside….That was the last I heard from my heart for quite some time.

Interestingly this prank set up my friends ,actually helped me more than one ways as I spend my rest of the years in college bragging that one of the most beautiful ladies in the Campus was my Valentine and two got a chance to speak and be friends with her..a chance I would never would have got or never would have taken otherwise




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Isn't it worth fighting for .Isn't it worth dying for.....

"I just can't help thinking ,what if all these prophecies are wrong??"

"Then tomorrow we may all be dead.But how would that be different from any other day.This is a war and we are soldiers.Dead can come in at anytime at any place.

Now consider the alternative.What if I am right.What if the prophecy is true.What if tomorrow,the war would be over.

Isn't it worth fighting for .Isn't it worth dying for....."

This was from The Matrix.But then again this could be the very same words used by AlQueda before bombing Twin towers or for that matter US before invading Iraq.

But the WAR never stops......The Phropecy is never true.........

No Country for Stray Dogs !!!

Some posts achieve greatness...while others dumped down to oblivion.And between them are those which never get a chance to find out.For the writer forgets to publish them...This is one of those posts.....

After more than a year I decide to give it a chance.......

Today I saw Langda Tyagi.Mr Bolu Maharaj and Moto sarkar were also there.Maybe these are the last time someone would be seeing them.But hey seem quite oblivious to that fact.They were content going about their business of chasing cats,ravishing on leftover meat and simply chasing out members from other gangs.

Why there last day??Simply because miles away ,in a far of location,some from their kind had done a gruesome act.In bold day light.

The "human activists" sprung into action.All The Stray Dogies need to be culled.,they said.Well they cannot be blamed .Human lives is of utmost importance to humans.If humans dont support humans against other species in this fight for survival .Then who else would.

So the orders are out.All Stray dogs,related or not related to this incident, will be culled.While the act is being carried out,life goes on for our main men.

As their numbers dwindle,they may become terrified,lonely, desperate,clutching on to ....well ...nothing but thin air ,for their dear lives.
The "human activists" would be giving a sigh of relief.But would anyone be happy about the whole thing.I guess there will be atleast some.

The Streetcat association of India would surely be having a party organized.Lets see if i am invited......

Of 'Che' and 'Cha' ....

We take strong exceptions to Srimati Vasundhara Raje Scindia's Hitleresque orders of shooting at innocent farmers" proclaimed the poster outside the Conference Hall.

Just outside in the Building entrance were entrenched red...."RED SALUTE TO CHAVEZ"

A few blocks away stood a huge poster celebrating the revolutionary Che Guevera.All this in the remote village in the state in Kerala,a state in Southern India.

Truly .......A Global Village .....but does it achieve anything!!!