
Sunday, July 16, 2006

Hypocrites we all:Kamzor kadi kaun link!!

Still in the middle of Scott levitt's Freakonomics.
A curious bit of insight into the way the THE WEAKEST LINK (The orginal Kamzor Kadi kaun)proceeds.

One of the stratergy in the game is to remove all the weak players out of the game so that the incentives at the end is more.So the first step is to remove all the players you deem unsuitable for the game.
Peoples normal instinct target all against who whom they are prejudiced.
So lets see who are the people who get discriminated against.
The biggest chunk is supposed to be "the fairer sex" and "darker creed".So accordingly the percentage of women and AfroAmericans going during the intial round s should br pretty high.
But Here in the Hypocrisy comes in.Movement for women and the coloured people has been the the most publiscised and most powerful in the last 25 years.So people dont really want to give out the impression of ganging up against them.They have the social incentive of looking like virtuos liberal free thinking humans.
Wht gives this theory credibility is another class of people ,nameley the Aged and Hispanic,who donot have a strong movement for themselves often find themselves in the wrong end of the game.

Main point of the analysis is are people really racist at heart?Are they the same inside ,what they let people see from the outside.Te analysis could surely extend t the Indian context;to all those psuedo seculars round there.Talk show after talk show ,we see panelists attacking fellow panelists on their views abt a minority community,for talking without sense even when all the facts seem to stack up against the theory.
So if you are in a restpectable position in this country you are not supposed to say a few hings.Incentive for not saying those things is that you can keeps you where you are risk free.
"Maybe its how the world is or maybe its jst me"

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