
Monday, April 14, 2008

The Death of a F***** Salesman

Glen Garry Glen Ross -One of the most gripping films I have seen in the past one year.

The movie cast includes some great actors Al Pacino,Kevin Spacey,Jack Lemmon,Ed Haris and Ark Arkin.
And the interesting part is about thats about the characters the movie has.(there are no female protagonist shown though there is mention of two).

The main premise of the movie is the professional lives about a set of real estate salesmen.Movie shows how a screwed up employee recognition policy can lead people to take desperate measures,when their career is put on line as a part of the policy.

The entire story time line is less than 24 hours.
The short time line couple with the fact that there are only a few chracters in the movie makes the movie more of a character study of a group of men with distinct characters.

Alec Baldwin :The Top man,...He calls the shots
Kevin Spacey : The Middle Management guy ...worried about saving his own ass
Al Pacino : The Office performer
Ed Harris : Closest challenger to Pacino.Doesn't like the environment he is in.
Arkin: Also ran,not bold enough to take a risk
Jack Lemmon :clutching on the last straws

This would certainly go on to the top heap of my "Highly Recommended" list!!

<i>NB: The title of this blog is what the movie was jokingly called by the crew and cast of the movie because of the notorious use of profanities in plenty.
In this 100 minutes movie,the F word was used around 138 times,ie more than 1 per minute .
In addition the 4 letter s word ending with t was used an amazing 50 times.
Guess the actors had great time enacting the scenes!!!!</i>

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